Hadjirousos english Hadjirousos english

Hadjirousos english

Hadjirousos english




Address:  27 Artemidos

2058 Strovolos

Nicosia, Cyprus

Tel:   357 22 674000    Fax:  357 22 677004


Born in Kormakiti, Kyrenia District (Cyprus) 25 December 1945

Studied Economics and Accounting in the U.K.

Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Egland and Wales

Senior Partner with Ernst & Young in Cyprus.

Speaks English, Greek and a special Arabic dialect.

Married to Martha Yiamaki and father of four sons.


Representative of the Maronites in the House of Representatives 1981 - 1986.

President of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC)
1997 - 1999 and a
member of the Council since 1987.

Editor of the Accountancy Magazine issued by ICPAC since 1997.

Member of the Council of Federation des Experts Comptables Mediterraneens since its

incorporation in 1997.

Honorary Treasurer of the Cyprus Leaque for Chest Diseases since 1973.


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